The Plan of Equivalents. Mat-Rooming




functional indifference, equivalency, matrix, room, mat-building


Attention to the mechanisms by which certain architectural configurations are able to adapt to change defines a field of interest that has only been growing since the mid-twentieth century, after overcoming the exclusive dilemma between form and function. However, the influence of strategies based on the principle of free plan is still much greater than that of other proposals that are not based on the independence between supporting structure and distributive organization. The aim of this work is the definition of a genealogy for the idea of the plan of equivalents that is proposed as an alternative model of functional indifference, establishing a connection between the logics of pre-bourgeois domestic architecture and the most recent examples of programmatic experimentation in housing. The re-interpretation of some iteration techniques of elements developed in the 60s by the most critical generation with canonical modernity, together with the analysis of their associated operative vocabulary, will allow an outline to an approach of the inhabiting patterns based on the systematic proliferation of the room as a generic piece.


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Author Biography

Silvia Colmenares, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.

Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos


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Research articles
Received 2016-11-28
Accepted 2017-06-29
Published 2017-10-24