The role of planning in building typology characterisation
urban planning, typological characterisation, residential building, urban rehabilitationAbstract
The usual practice in the determination of the morpho-typology of buildings, necessary for the development of urban rehabilitation and regeneration operations, is usually carried out through the exclusive analysis of the building itself, ignoring the applicable urban planning regulations and the relationship of the building with the plot (not always well defined) that contains it. Based on the methodology of ERESEE 2020, a method for characterising the building stock is tested, proposing a new definition of typological clusters based on the use of cadastral data and planning analysis. To this end, the layout of the buildings in relation to the boundaries of the plot, in relation to the public domain, is analysed, which is fundamental for actions that require increases in volume and occupation of additional space by the buildings, an operation that would not be viable in volumes that coincide with the boundaries of the plot. The application of this methodology to the nine most populated Spanish municipalities allows the typological characterisation of their residential stock, thanks to the analysis of the built reality, but also through the study of the planning and, therefore, establishing their real possibilities of transformation.
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This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Accepted 2022-09-27
Published 2022-10-28