Structure and Space. The Headquarters of Seville Electricity Company




offices, metal structure, open space, contemporary heritage, OTAISA


In the third quarter of the twentieth century, several notable architectural projects were carried out in Seville, among which the building for the Headquarters of the Seville Electricity Company deserves special mention. Designed by the OTAISA project management office, this work is a milestone for the city in several aspects; both OTAISA’s work methodology, in the style of the large American project management offices, together with the innovative spatial, structural, and constructive proposal of the building, brought contemporaneity to the city of Seville. The project clearly has the influence of the German architect Mies van der Rohe, which raises this building of national contemporary heritage to a prominent place, developing and delving into certain issues that the master postulated regarding office buildings. A project of proven architectural quality, but largely unknown due to its irrelevance within the national panorama, it is approaching half a century of age while maintaining the architectural values and wich is recognised landmark of contemporaneity in the city.


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Author Biographies

Cristobal Miró-Miró, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor Asociado del departamento de Expresión Gráfica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla. 

Esther Mayoral-Campa, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Contratada Doctora del Dpto. de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitecura de Sevilla. 

Melina Pozo-Bernal, Universidad de Sevilla

Investigadoras del grupo PAIDI de la universidad de Sevilla, HUM-789. Nuebas Situaciones. Otras Arquitecturas.


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Monje Pascual, Ángela. "La arquitectura del trabajo. El entorno de la oficina en el s. XX. Hacia una organización informal." PhD diss., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2016.

Mosquera Adell, Eduardo; and María Teresa Pérez Cano. "OTAISA." In La vanguardia imposible: quince visiones de arquitectura contemporánea andaluza, 224-49. Sevilla: Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes, 1990.

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Research articles
Received 2021-05-14
Accepted 2022-07-25
Published 2022-10-28