Ignacio Álvarez Castelao: Housing developments for power station workers
Ignacio Álvarez Castelao, Power stations, Housing developments for workers, Experimental housing, SystemAbstract
This article analyses four of the thirteen housing developments for workers that were designed in northern Spain for the Electra de Viesgo electricity company by Ignacio Álvarez Castelao between 1948 and 1965, namely those constructed in Puente de San Miguel in Santander, Aguilar de Campoo in Palencia, Soto de Ribera in Oviedo, and Santa María de Garoña in Burgos. We analyse the theoretical foundations Castelao developed in the mid-1950s to construct these four residential complexes, which were based on modulation, prefabrication and the systematisation of constructive elements in order to streamline their construction in the rural environment. Also systematically analysed in this paper are the public spaces, the housing, the furniture, and the transitions Castelao introduced between the various scales, from the geographical urban planning scale to architecture and furniture. In essence, we study the elements of architecture Castelao designed to create orderly housing developments with comfortable habitability conditions for the workers both inside and outside their homes.
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Accepted 2020-09-24
Published 2020-10-30