Implementación digital de filtros FIR para la minimización del ruido óptico y optoelectrónico de un sistema de barrido óptico


  • Jesús E. Miranda-Vega Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Moisés Rivas-López Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Wendy Flores-Fuentes Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Oleg Sergiyenko Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Lars Lindner Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Palabras clave:

Análisis y tratamiento de señales, Sensores e instrumentos virtuales, Ruido, Modulación, Visión 3D y estéreo


Existen distintos dispositivos capaces de discriminar el ruido óptico y optoelectrónico, sin embargo, el costo de su implementación y mantenimiento resulta costoso. Este trabajo examina la posibilidad de integrar digitalmente filtros de respuesta finita al impulso (en inglés, FIR; Finite Impulse Response) al transductor de un sistema OSS para obtener un mejor rendimiento en un ambiente real de operación. En este trabajo se propone la evaluación de la implementación de distintos filtros FIR en diferentes transductores fotosensores como lo son el resistor dependiente de luz (en inglés, LDR; Light-Dependent Resistor) y el diodo emisor de luz (en inglés, LED; Light-Emitting Diode).


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Biografía del autor/a

Jesús E. Miranda-Vega, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Instituto de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

Jesus Elias Miranda Vega was born in Sinaloa, Mexico, and received the B.E. degree in electrical and electronicengineering from Los Mochis Institute Technology in, Sinaloa, Mexico in 2007 and master's degree in lectronicengineering from the Mexicali Institute of Technology, Mexicali, Mexico in 2014, he joined engineering institute at theAutonomous University Baja California (UABC) optoelectronics lab as a Phd student, Mexicali, Mexico in Aug 2016.His current research interest includes machine vision, data signal processing, the theory and optoelectronics devices,and their applications.

Moisés Rivas-López, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Instituto de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

He was born in 1960. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Autonomous University of Baja California, México, in1985 and 1991, respectively and the PhD degree in Science, Applied Physics, in the same University, in 2010. Hehas written a book, 6 book chapters and 38 Journals and Proceedings Conference papers in optoelectronics andStructural Health Monitoring applications. Also, he has presented different works in several International Congressesof IEEE, ICROS, SICE, in America and Europe. Dr. Rivas was Dean of Engineering Institute of AutonomousUniversity Baja California (1997-2005), and Rector of Polytechnic University of Baja California (2006 -201). He ismember of National Researcher System.

Wendy Flores-Fuentes, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Facultad de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

She was born in Baja California, Mexico at January of 1978. Received the Bachelor's degree inElectronic Engineering from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in 2001, the Master ofEngineering degree from Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali in 2006, and the Ph. D. degree inScience, Applied Physics, from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in June 2014. Untilnow she is the author of 12 journal articles in Elsevier, IEEE, Emerald, Wiley and Springer, 4 bookchapters in Intech, IGI Global and Springer, 21 proceedings articles in IEEE events, and 1 bookeditor. Recently, she has organized and participated as Chair of Special Session on “MachineVision, Control and Navigation” at IEEE ISIE 2015-2017. She is a member of CONACYT NationalResearch System.

Oleg Sergiyenko, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Instituto de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

Oleg Yu. Sergiyenko received his BS and MS degrees from Kharkiv National University ofAutomobiles and Highways, Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1991 and 1993, respectively. He received hisPhD degree from Kharkiv National Polytechnic University in 1997. He has written 81 papers incontrol systems, robot navigation, 3D coordinate measurement, and SHM. He is an editor of
two books, holds two patents in Ukraine and Mexico, and is a reviewer for various journals. Heparticipates as a reviewer and session chair in several IEEE conferences in different countriesand holds several “Best Presentation Awards.” From December 2004 to present, he is a fulltimeresearcher and head of Applied Physics Department in Engineering Institute of BajaCalifornia Autonomous University, Mexico.

Lars Lindner, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Instituto de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

Lars Lindner, was born on July 20th 1981 in Dresden, Germany. He received his M.S. degree in mechatronicsengineering from the TU Dresden University in January 2009. He was working as graduate assistant during hisstudies at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits EAS in Dresden and also made his master thesis there. Afterfinishing his career, he moved to Mexico and started teaching engineering classes at different universities in Mexicali.He started his PhD at the Engineering Institute of Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexicali with the topic“Theoretical Method to Increase the Speed of Continuous Mapping in a three-dimensional Laser Scanning Systemusing Servomotors Control”. For his PhD he developed a prototype of a Technical Vision System, which uses lasertriangulation to determine 3D coordinates of any object under observation. He published in three internationaljournals with impact factor, two book chapters, three papers on national and six papers on international conferences.Right now he is working as a technician assistant at the Engineering Institute of Autonomous University of BajaCalifornia for the department of applied physics.

Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Facultad de Ingeniería (Campus Mexicali)

Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez received the Ph.D. degree from Baja California Autonomous University, México, in2013. He is currently Professor of Electronic Topics with the Engineering Faculty, Autonomous University of BajaCalifornia. His current research interests include automated metrology, stereo vision systems, control systems, robotnavigation and 3D laser scanners. He has written over 40 papers, 3 Book Chapters, has been guest editor of Journalof sensors, editor of one book, and has been reviewer for IEEE Sensors Journal, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics and Neural Computing and Applications of Springer, he participated as a reviewerand Section Chair of IEEE conferences in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. He is involved in the development of opticalscanning prototype in the Applied Physics Department and is currently research head in the development of a newstereo vision system prototype.


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Cómo citar

Miranda-Vega, J. E., Rivas-López, M., Flores-Fuentes, W., Sergiyenko, O., Lindner, L. y Rodríguez-Quiñonez, J. C. (2019) «Implementación digital de filtros FIR para la minimización del ruido óptico y optoelectrónico de un sistema de barrido óptico», Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, 16(3), pp. 344–357. doi: 10.4995/riai.2019.10210.


