Postural and dynamic analysis of the human body: The relevance of the functional modulator factors in the methodological design
Modulating factors, Function, Posture, Movement, MethodologyAbstract
Functional studies analyze the interaction between the human body and its environment studying both, the posture and the movement. It is well known that at the Universities where health science and sports studies are taught there is a need to raise academic activities involving functional studies.
The main objective is to make awareness of the factors that can modulate a certain function in the human body and must be well known for university students to perform a good research projects and career. To do this, we present a detailed list of intrinsic and extrinsic functional modulator factors (FMF) of the human body and propose a new methodology to teach those skills. During both, the project data collection and data reduction, FMF such as sitting and standing postures or walking, running and jumping movements must be taken into account. The recognition of the FMF that may influence the results must be previously known and identified to succeed in the methodological design of functional studies of the human body.
The novelty of our work is not to direct the attention to the lecturer but to focus it to the student’s academic support to accomplish the active work like the fieldwork presented in this paper. In conclusion, the understanding of the FMF by university students using fieldwork activities during their degree would help them to develop a critical attitude in terms of validity and scientific evidence.
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