Parametric study of a horizontal axis wind turbine with similar characteristics to those of the Villonaco wind power plant
parametric study, wind turbine, Python, Weibull, energyAbstract
The present paper focuses on the selection of parameters that maximize electrical energy production of a horizontal axis wind turbine using Python programming language. The study takes as reference turbines of Villonaco wind field in Ecuador. For this aim, the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory was implemented, to define rotor geometry and power curve. Furthermore, wind speeds were analyzed using the Weibull probability distribution and the most probable speed was 10.50 m/s. The results were compared with mean annual energy production of a Villonaco’s wind turbine to validate the model. Turbine height, rated wind speed and rotor radius were the selected parameters to determine the influence in generated energy. Individual increment in rotor radius and rated wind speed cause a significant increase in energy produced. While the increment in turbine’s height reduces energy generated by 0.88%.
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