




The first number of JARTE, one step forward.

It is difficult to find a single sector that is not agitated by the technological changes that are taking place. The development of Science and Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, scientific discoveries along with the development of new products, new manufacturing techniques, improved communications, increasing industrial automation, among others are fundamental elements for economies worldwide to advance and develop better services that meet the needs of people.

The Alcoy Campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia is committed to the great challenge of integration towards the knowledge society. New knowledge is being generated on the campus, obtaining numerous results in research and transfer projects, together with the development of practical applications in companies and industrial sectors in the areas of chemical, electrical, manufacturing, materials, mechanical and textile engineering. These results and knowledge need an agile channel to reach potentially interested companies and researchers. The central objective of this international journal is to provide a venue for the dissemination of high quality, cutting edge research and technological developments in engineering, targeting a wide audience ranging from academia to industry.

The production, exploitation and diffusion of knowledge are indispensable for the growth of society, that is why the journal JARTE becomes the appropriate alternative to publicize the projects developed both by the members of the Alcoy Campus and by any member of the scientific and industrial communities who wish to publicize their work.

JARTE journal intends to become a reference in the diffusion in the fields of engineering and technology. The journal has a policy of quality articles, based on peer review by experts in the field. Two issues will be published annually, the first one in January and the second one in July. The issues of JARTE will offer a selection of original articles with a broad vision of the latest trends in engineering and technology.

All articles published by JARTE are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in accordance with the framework proposed by the European Union. There is no charge for readers or authors due to institutional collaborations which promote open access papers in order to obtain widespread dissemination of the works.

Finally, I would like to thank all the researchers and colleagues who worked to make the JARTE project a successful reality, both those who worked to turn their research into articles and those who have collaborated in the development of the journal in tasks such as editing, peer review, planning and layout so that the works could be published, and I encourage them to continue in this arduous task of disseminating the knowledge developed.


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