All authors must indicate if their research has received private or public funding, and they have to indicate it clearly during the process of submission of the article the financial support (whether from private or public sources), that may have been received for the recollection of data, analysis and/or interpretation of results, or even for writing the article’s text.
Each author must provide individually all the information concerning the funding received for the research and work submitted to the journal: the name of the funding entity, ID number of the fund and the description of the role played by the funding entity in the research process (participation in any phase, analysis, writing or review). If the funding entity has not participated in the execution of the research process, it must be specifically declared as well.
This information must appear:
- In the metadata: when the metadata for the article are introduced, the complete data about funding must be included (Title of the project, funding entity, program or call, reference) within the section 'Supporting Agencies' of Open Journal System (OJS).
- In the article: funding information must be included in the article’s final section, before the bibliographical references.
International Journal of Production Management and Engineering