PHYRON: cognitive computing for the creation of an innovative Intelligence Experience Center
cognitive computing, digitalization, digital transformation, predictive models, algorithms, big dataAbstract
This research presents the results of a project called “PHYRON: Cognitive Computing for the creation of an innovative Intelligence Experience Center”, funded by the Basque Government (Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment Department). The project started in April 2019 and it will end in December 2021. Its main objective was to arrange an industrial research about cognitive computing. The main aim was the application of these systems for the development of an Intelligent Experience Center (IExC) to facilitate: i) enrichment of processes, products and services, in general client experiences, ii) automatic generation of technical predictions related to the product and the client behaviour through the exploitation of acquired knowledge, and iii) rationalization and automation of the processes that are involved in the after sale services both at technical and management level. The technological outcome presented in this paper is built using cognitive engines to enable learning from the client experience, and predictive models to anticipate client necessities.
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