Determinants of non-full employment of rural youth in Ecuador during 2020




ENEMDU, informal sector, non-full employment, probit, rural youth


In Ecuador, since 2017, the representativeness of full employment had been showing a decline among the number of employed persons in rural and urban areas. This structural problem joins a break in economic growth of the country and the region. In this sense, this study aims to highlight the factors that determine access to non-full employment of young people in rural areas. For this, the estimation of a probit model is carried out. The results show the need to establish differentiated policies for access to full employment for rural youth.


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Author Biographies

Maritza Satama-Bermeo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


David Alejandro Singaña-Tapia, FLACSO

Depto de Desarrollo, Ambiente y Territorio


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