Analytical model to assess the functionality of small farmers’ organizations


  • Wilmer Andrés Gómez Research Group on Management and Rural Development -GIGDR
  • Yesid Aranda-Camacho Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juan Carlos Barrientos Fuentes Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Analytic Network Process –ANP–, Associativity, Collective action, Organizational performance, Social capital


The analytical network process (ANP) was used to analyze the functionality of small farmers’ organizations; 12 experts were consulted to verify the relevance and assign value comparative judgments to the criteria´s of the internal, external and functional sets. Judgments were added through AIJ technique, after of synthesis weights of relative importance for the criteria’s were estimated. The results show that the criteria´s of the internal set are the ones that are most important for the functionality, highlighting the leadership and management capacity, together with the market environment and the achievement of the objectives proposed by the members.


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Author Biographies

Yesid Aranda-Camacho, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Dep. of Rural Development and Agrifood, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

Research Group on Management and Rural Development - GIGDR

Juan Carlos Barrientos Fuentes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Dep. of Rural Development and Agrifood, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.


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