Family farmers’ reluctance toward incorporating into the formal economy


  • Sofía Boza University of Chile
  • Marcos Mora University of Chile
  • Franco Osorio University of Chile
  • Jazmín Muñoz University of Chile



Farmer's attitudes, Chile, small-scale and family farming, informal economy


Informal economy is particularly prevalent in small-scale farming, yet little attention has been paid to it so far. This article aims to contribute to a further understanding of this phenomenon. A survey of family farmers located in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, was conducted. The data collected were processed using descriptive and multivariate techniques, factor and cluster analysis. Results show that farmers perceive formalization as a complex process which entails unpleasant obligations, and that they do not consider it necessary. There are some distinctions, however, that allow two clusters to be identified: “Favorable” (18.82 %) and “Reluctant” (81.18 %).


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Author Biographies

Sofía Boza, University of Chile

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Institute of International Studies

Marcos Mora, University of Chile

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Franco Osorio, University of Chile

Agricultural Engineer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Jazmín Muñoz, University of Chile

Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences


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