A consumer behaviour approach to analyse handmade and locally made agrifood products in Western Honduras


  • Melania Salazar-Ordóñez Universidad Loyola Andalucía
  • Rosa Cordón-Pedregosa Universidad Loyola Andalucía
  • Macario Rodríguez-Entrena Universidad de Córdoba




Handmade and locally made agrifood products, Honduras, labelling, Partial Least Squares (PLS)


This research analyses consumer behaviour related to the purchase of handmade and locally made agrifood products in Western Honduras (Occidental Region). A relational model was built, and structural equation modelling (SEM) by means of variance-based partial least squares (PLS) path modelling was applied. The existence of a mediator variable was also examined. The results showed that the consumption of handmade and locally made agrifood products increases for consumers who read nutrition labels and health claim information and for those with higher income and who are younger.


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Author Biographies

Melania Salazar-Ordóñez, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Dpt. Economía.

Rosa Cordón-Pedregosa, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Fundación ETEA.


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