A critical review of multi-criteria decision making in protected areas


  • Mónica de Castro Pardo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Vicente Urios Universidad de Alicante




Collaborative Decision-Making, multi-criteria analysis, protected Areas.


Multi-criteria analysis in collaborative decision making can provide a useful tool to improve the governance in protected areas with strong conflicts between stakeholders. This paper offers an in-depth review about MCDM methods in protected areas. The analysis considers the topics Land Use, Management, Species, and Zoning and it is based in two dimensions: Methods and Participation. Topics and MCDM methods and Topics and Participation were significantly related and contrasted using a Chi-squared test, respectively. We have identified two groups by topics: Zoning and Species use continuous non participative methods and Land Use and Management use discrete methods with increasing participation.


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Author Biography

Vicente Urios, Universidad de Alicante

Dpt. de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales. Universidad de Alicante.


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