Implementación de un método para alcanzar un paisaje resiliente mediante la ubicación apropiada de edificaciones rurales


  • Jin Su Jeong Universidad de Extremadura
  • Lorenzo García Moruno Universidad de Extremadura
  • David González Gómez Universidad de Extremadura
  • Steve Carver University of Leeds



Location planning, multi-criteria decision analysis, rural building, suitability assessment, tourism.


Suitable location planning of rural buildings is a complex process to be in harmony with landscapes. This paper presents a multi-criteria spatial decision analysis approach using GIS techniques. The research aim is to evaluate the study area suitability to sustainably site tourism rural commercial buildings with landscapes. The criteria weights were decided by the authors with relevant literatures, regional polices and European Union (EU) directives and experts’ discussion. The results reveal the most suitable areas for siting them, not to find a single suitable solution. They explain the weighting flexibility strengths of the application in the decision making process.


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Author Biographies

Jin Su Jeong, Universidad de Extremadura

Dpto. Expresión Gráfica

Lorenzo García Moruno, Universidad de Extremadura

Dpto. Expresión Gráfica

David González Gómez, Universidad de Extremadura

Dpto. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Matemáticas

Steve Carver, University of Leeds

Dpt. Geography


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