Contributions from economics of adaptation to decision making: An example for the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country
Climate change impacts, Economic valuationAbstract
As a consequence of Climate Change sea level rise as well as a change in the intensity and propensity of rain are expected in the Basque Country. Valuing the costs and benefits of adapting to these changes becomes an important piece of information for the planning process. This paper develops two methodological frameworks. The first one devoted to estimating the economic impacts to urban areas of an increase in the risk of flooding. The values estimated for the Nervión river in the city of Amurrio (Álava) indicate that the average expected damage will increase in 15 per cent as a consequence of CC (from €56,097 to €64,451). For an extreme episode the total loss could increase to €20 million. The second framework is oriented towards the valuation of the damages as a consequence of sea level rise for 2100. The values in this case range from €87 to €231 million, that is, between €0.87 and €2.3 million per hectare.Downloads
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