Impacts and adaptive capacity as drivers for prioritising agricultural adaptation to climate change in Europe


  • Jeremy Schlickenrieder Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Sonia Quiroga Universidad de Alcalá
  • Agustín Diz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Ana Iglesias Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Adaptation, Adaptive capacity, Agriculture, Climate change


In the face of likely climate change impacts policy makers at different spatial scales need access to assessment tools that enable informed policy instruments to be designed. Recent scientific advances have facilitated the development of improved climate projections, but it remains to be seen whether these are translated into effective adaptation strategies. This paper uses existing databases on climate impacts on European agriculture and combines them with an assessment of adaptive capacity to develop an interdisciplinary approach for prioritising policies. It proposes a method for identifying relevant policies for different EU countries that are representative of various agroclimatic zones. Our analysis presents a framework for integrating current knowledge of future climate impacts with an understanding of the underlying socio-economic, agricultural and environmental traits that determine a region’s capacity for adapting to climate change.


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Author Biographies

Jeremy Schlickenrieder, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences,

Sonia Quiroga, Universidad de Alcalá

Department of Statistics, Economic Structure and International Organization.

Agustín Diz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences,

Ana Iglesias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences,


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