Measuring environmental damage compensation under the Environmental Liability Directive: Lessons learned from the Aznalcóllar-Doñana case


  • Julia Martín-Ortega VU University of Amsterdam
  • Roy Brouwer VU University of Amsterdam
  • Harry Aiking VU University of Amsterdam



Environmental Liability Directive, Damage compensation, Contingent valuation, Aznalcóllar-Doñana


The Aznalcóllar mine tailings spill near the Doñana Park (Spain), taking place in 1998, is analyzed in the context of the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD). The ELD imposes liability on operators of risky activities for environmental damage, including the compensation for interim losses. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of economic valuation in the measurement of the compensation in the context of the ELD and derive some lessons for future applications. The results show that the measures carried out after the accident (Green Corridor) did not compensate for the damage at Doñana. This study points out the need of a deeper analysis of non-use values, the control of protest answers and the set up of valuation scenarios specific to the interim losses.


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Author Biographies

Julia Martín-Ortega, VU University of Amsterdam

Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University, Amsterdam (Paises Bajos)
Actualmente en el BC3. Bilbao

Roy Brouwer, VU University of Amsterdam

Inst. Environmental Studies, VU
University, Amsterdam (Paises Bajos).

Harry Aiking, VU University of Amsterdam

Inst. Environmental Studies, VU
University, Amsterdam (Paises Bajos).


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