The relevance of protected designation of origin like quality indicators for the consumer behaviour. The case of olive oil from Bajo Aragon


  • Joel Espejel Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Carmina Fandos Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Carlos Flavián Universidad de Zaragoza



Protected denomination of origin, buying intention, loyalty, satisfaction


In this paper we analyze the influence of satisfaction towards a food product with Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) on loyalty and consumers’ buying intention. The results show the importance that the consumers allowance towards the links as the origin, territory, raw materials, know how, and the strict controls by the PDO Regulatory Council. All these aspects, concern in the determination of the perceived quality of the above mentioned PDO food products. In fact, these findings suppose a major feelings satisfaction and loyalty as well as of a major predisposition to continue buying the olive oil from Bajo Aragon (Spain).


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Author Biographies

Joel Espejel, Universidad de Zaragoza

Dep. de Economía y Dirección de Empresas

Carmina Fandos, Universidad de Zaragoza

Dep. de Economía y Dirección de Empresas

Carlos Flavián, Universidad de Zaragoza

Dep. de Economía y Dirección de Empresas


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