Is there any conflict between tourism globalization and natural resources?
Globalization, Tourism, Environmental Impacts, Management Tools of Natural ResourcesAbstract
Globalization and Tourism are two of the most analyzed economic phenomenon of the last decades. Their great significance and important impacts on economy may be the main reasons for this increasing interest. Remarkable growth in Tourism has similar causes to Globalization, so we can talk about Tourism Globalization. In this context, one of the most used arguments by Globalization critics is their relevant impacts on the environment. Then, it becomes necessary to analyze the potential conflict between tourist development and natural resources conservation. Tourism is dependent upon natural resources in the way that environmental degradation damages destination image and their competitiveness. In this way, only through the decrease of the environmental problems and overexploitation of natural resources it is possible to guarantee a sustainable tourism. Having this objective in mind, optimal destination management has an extensive range of policy instruments, as «command and control» mechanisms or «incentive based» tools applied by public administrations and different private initiatives adopted by the industry.Downloads
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