Economic profile and performance analysis of a sample of dairy farms in west Asturias (1993-1998).
Dairy Farms, Contribution Margin, Margin over Incomes, Logistic RegressionAbstract
This research has a double aim: first, an analysis of economic evolution in a sample of 42 dairy farms from western Asturias in the period of 1993-1998, and second, a study of the final situation (1998), identifying the characteristics of the units with better economic results. To be able to do this, we study the evolution of labour productivity, the variation in the margin over concentrated feeds, the break-even point, and the added value and its distribution. The analysis of variance and the logistic regression allow us to identify the traits from farms with the highest profits in 1998, in the short and long run. The research points out the importance of a proper size in order to make indivisible factors like machinery, installations and labour profitable and the need for adequately managing all factors that determine the contribution margin per litre of milk.Downloads
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