Simple dynamical systems
special points, non-ordinary points, critical points, order conjugacyAbstract
In this paper, we study the class of simple systems on R induced by homeomorphisms having finitely many non-ordinary points. We characterize the family of homeomorphisms on R having finitely many non-ordinary points upto (order) conjugacy. For x,y ∈ R, we say x ∼ y on a dynamical system (R,f) if x and y have same dynamical properties, which is an equivalence relation. Said precisely, x ∼ y if there exists an increasing homeomorphism h : R → R such that h ◦ f = f ◦ h and h(x) = y. An element x ∈ R is ordinary in (R,f) if its equivalence class [x] is a neighbourhood of it.
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