Generalized open sets in grill N-topology


  • M. Lellis Thivagar Madurai Kamaraj University
  • Ivan L. Reilly University of Auckland
  • M. Arockia Dasan Madurai Kamaraj University
  • V. Ramesh Madurai Kamaraj University



Grill N-topological space, GNτ -α open sets, GNτ -semi open sets, GNτ -pre open sets, GNτ -β open sets


The aim of this paper is to give a systematic development of grill N-topological spaces and discuss a few properties of local function. We build a topology for the corresponding grill by using the local function. Furthermore, we investigate the properties of weak forms of open sets in the grill N-topological spaces and discuss the relationships between them.


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Author Biographies

M. Lellis Thivagar, Madurai Kamaraj University

Professor & Head School of Mathematics

Ivan L. Reilly, University of Auckland

Department of Mathematics

M. Arockia Dasan, Madurai Kamaraj University

Research Scholar
School of Mathematics

V. Ramesh, Madurai Kamaraj University

Research Scholar
School of Mathematics


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How to Cite

M. L. Thivagar, I. L. Reilly, M. A. Dasan, and V. Ramesh, “Generalized open sets in grill N-topology”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 289–299, Oct. 2017.



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