Computational topology for approximations of knots


  • Ji Li University of Connecticut
  • T. J. Peters University of Connecticut
  • K. E. Jordan Cambridge Research Center



Knot approximation, ambient isotopy, Bézier curve, subdivision, piecewise linear approximation


The preservation of ambient isotopic equivalence under piecewise linear (PL) approximation for smooth knots are prominent in molecular modeling and simulation. Sufficient conditions are given regarding:

  1. Hausdorff distance, and
  2. a sum of total curvature and derivative.

High degree Bézier curves are often used as smooth representations, where computational efficiency is a practical concern. Subdivision can produce PL approximations for a given B\'ezier curve, fulfilling the above two conditions. The primary contributions are:

       (i) a priori bounds on the number of subdivision iterations sufficient to achieve a PL approximation that is ambient isotopic to the original B\'ezier curve, and

       (ii) improved iteration bounds over those previously established.



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Author Biographies

Ji Li, University of Connecticut

Department of Mathematics

T. J. Peters, University of Connecticut

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

K. E. Jordan, Cambridge Research Center

IBM T.J. Watson Research


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How to Cite

J. Li, T. J. Peters, and K. E. Jordan, “Computational topology for approximations of knots”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 203–220, Oct. 2014.



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