Effective representations of the space of linear bounded operators


  • Vasco Brattka FernUniversität Hagen




Computable functional analysis, Effective representations


Representations of topological spaces by infinite sequences of symbols are used in computable analysis to describe computations in topological spaces with the help of Turing machines. From the computer science point of view such representations can be considered as data structures of topological spaces. Formally, a representation of a topological space is a surjective mapping from Cantor space onto the corresponding space. Typically, one is interested in admissible, i.e. topologically well-behaved representations which are continuous and characterized by a certain maximality condition. We discuss a number of representations of the space of linear bounded operators on a Banach space. Since the operator norm topology of the operator space is nonseparable in typical cases, the operator space cannot be represented admissibly with respect to this topology. However, other topologies, like the compact open topology and the Fell topology (on the operator graph) give rise to a number of promising representations of operator spaces which can partially replace the operator norm topology. These representations reflect the information which is included in certain data structures for operators, such as programs or enumerations of graphs. We investigate the sublattice of these representations with respect to continuous and computable reducibility. Certain additional conditions, such as finite dimensionality, let some classes of representations collapse, and thus, change the corresponding graph. Altogether, a precise picture of possible data structures for operator spaces and their mutual relation can be drawn.


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How to Cite

V. Brattka, “Effective representations of the space of linear bounded operators”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 115–131, Apr. 2003.



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