Star-Hurewicz and related properties


  • Maddalena Bonanzinga University of Messina
  • F. Cammaroto University of Messina
  • Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac University of Nis



Selection principles, (strongly) star-Menger, (strongly) star-Rothberger, (strongly) star-Hurewicz, Groupability, Weak groupability, ω-cover


We continue the investigation of star selection principles first considered. We are concentrated onto star versions of the Hurewicz covering property and star selection principles related to the classes of open covers which have been recently introduced.


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Author Biographies

Maddalena Bonanzinga, University of Messina

Department of Mathematics

F. Cammaroto, University of Messina

Department of Mathematics

Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac, University of Nis

Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics


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How to Cite

M. Bonanzinga, F. Cammaroto, and L. D. Kocinac, “Star-Hurewicz and related properties”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 79–89, Apr. 2004.



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