Τ-quasi-Cauchy spaces - a non-symmetric theory of completeness and completion





fuzzy topology, pair Τ-filter, Cuachy pair Τ-filter, Τ-quasi-Cauchy space, Τ-quasi-uniform space, L-metric space


Based on the concept of Cauchy pair Τ-filters, we develop an axiomatic theory of completeness for non-symmetric spaces, such as Τ-quasi-uniform (limit) spaces or L-metric spaces. We show that the category of Τ-quasi-Cauchy spaces is topological and Cartesian closed and we construct a finest completion for a non-complete Τ-quasi-Cauchy space. In the special case of symmetry, Τ-quasi-Cauchy spaces can be identified with Τ-Cauchy spaces.


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How to Cite

G. Jäger, “Τ-quasi-Cauchy spaces - a non-symmetric theory of completeness and completion”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 205–227, Apr. 2023.



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