Duality of locally quasi-convex convergence groups





continuous duality, convergence groups, local quasi-convexity, Pontryagin duality


In the realm of the convergence spaces, the generalisation of topological groups is the convergence groups, and the corresponding extension of the Pontryagin duality is the continuous duality. We prove that local quasi-convexity is a necessary condition for a convergence group to be c-reflexive. Further, we prove that every character group of a convergence group is locally quasi-convex.


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Author Biography

Pranav Sharma, IIMT University

School of Basic Sciences


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How to Cite

P. Sharma, “Duality of locally quasi-convex convergence groups”, Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 193–198, Apr. 2021.



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