On domains witnessing increase in information
Scott domain, dI-domains, semi-regular topology, programming language semantics, recursive domain equations, dependent product, dependent sum, lambda calculusAbstract
The paper considers algebraic directed-complete partial orders with a semi-regular Scott topology, called regular domains. As is well know, the category of Scott domains and continuous maps is Cartesian closed. This is no longer true, if the domains are required to be regular. Two Cartesian closed subcategories of the regular Scott domains are exhibited: regular dI-domains with stable maps and strongly regular Scott domains with continuous maps. Here a Scott domains is strongly regular if all of its compact open subsets are regular open. In one considers only embeddings of dependent products and sums. Moreover, they are w-cocomplete and their object classes are closed under several constructions used in programming language semantics. It follows that recursive domains equations can be solved and models of typed and untyped lambda calculi can be constructed. Both kinds of domains can be udes in giving meaning to programming language constructs.
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